NEWS30 May 2014

Two new mobile research solutions for uSamp

North America Technology

US — uSamp has unveiled two new mobile research solutions.

uSamp Mobile In-Home and uSamp Mobile In-Store both offer in-context access to consumers “on demand and at scale”.

“Mobile has revolutionised the way companies gain insights by granting them access to millions of consumers at the moment of truth when they are interacting with products – whether shopping online or in store,” said Justin Wheeler, vice president of Product Innovation & Business Development for uSamp (pictured).

“The more space there is between the question and the decision, the more rationalised the response. In-context consumers are capable of providing richer detail about their experiences, and better qualified, mentally, to answer questions. After observing the most successful use cases for our mobile product, we think this mobile offering will provide clients with more efficient analysis and highly actionable results.”