NEWS24 May 2012

Polygraph rolls out Facebook Page data service

Data analytics North America

US— Facebook investors might be squabbling over the value of their shares amid questions over the social network’s earning potential, but one undisputed fact is the wealth of behavioural data held by the site.

Polygraph Media, launched in November in private beta, has just made its Polygraph Reports service publicly available, following hot on the heels of the Facebook IPO last week.

The company, headed by former Microsoft executive Chris Treadway (pictured), applies data mining and analytics to understand the social interactions that take place on Facebook Pages and subscriber-enabled profiles.

Data is turned into reports which reveal information such as a page’s top content and its most active fans. Subscribers are also able to benchmark their page’s performance against those of their competitors.

Treadway said: “Marketers need to justify the increased attention and budget that Facebook is getting. Is it all worthwhile? If we spend more money or human resources on Facebook, what will we get out of it? The answers lie in the data – every social interaction that takes place on a page is a discrete and important data point that can be mined for information. We created Polygraph to serve this need.”