NEWS23 June 2016

Tender for National Rail Passengers Survey

New business News Public Sector Travel UK

UK – Independent transport user watchdog, Transport Focus, has issued a tender for a rail satisfaction tracker survey – the National Rail Passenger Survey (NRPS).

Rail passenger_crop

The NRPS surveys about 30,000 rail passengers across Great Britain each spring and autumn.

The tender will cover the period from spring 2017 to autumn 2018 waves inclusive, with options to extend for a further one or two years up to the autumn 2020 wave.

The survey is currently nearly all paper based, but will become mixed online and paper. Some other changes are planned to the survey during the period of the tender.

The tender will be issued in mid-July 2016 with a deadline for submissions of mid-September 2016. For further details email Transport Focus is also holding a briefing session for any agencies interested in the tender on 14 July 2016 – all agencies expressing an interest will be invited.

Transport Focus is an independent public body set up by Parliament to represent train passengers in Britain and bus, coach and tram passengers in England (outside of London) as well as all users of motorways and major A-roads – known as the Strategic Road Network (SRN) – in England.