FEATURE18 July 2016

A Bright Future

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Features Impact Technology UK

New technology is emerging that uses the properties of light and sound to transmit information. By Bronwen Morgan


Light and sound are two of the fundamentals of physics, and contribute to the vast majority of our sensorial experience. But could there be more to them than meets the eye, or indeed, ear? A number of innovations appear to harness the power of both mediums to transmit information, and this could have a significant impact on the world of research, and beyond. 

Many hands make light work

LiFi – wireless technology that transmits high-speed data using visible light communication (VLC) – has recently been tested outside of the lab for the first time. Reports suggest that data transmission speeds of 1GB per second have been achieved; this is 100 times faster than current average WiFi speeds. 

In simple terms, it works like an extremely advanced form of Morse code; just as switching a torch on and off in a certain pattern can relay a message, flicking an LED on and off at extremely high speeds – imperceptible to the naked eye – ...