NEWS27 April 2017

Marketers feel overwhelmed by time spent analysing data

Data analytics News North America Trends UK

UK/US – Sixty four per cent of marketers believe it’s their role to collect customer data, but not to analyse it, according to a new report from BlueVenn. 

The report, from customer analytics company BlueVenn, describes a ‘data deadlock', where marketers feel either confident ( 46%) or very confident ( 47%) about their ability to analyse data, but almost two thirds ( 64%) don't believe it is their role to do so.

While marketers see the value in data – 86% of UK and US marketers believe that for maximum success they need to collect as much information as possible on their customers – the report also claims that the amount of time marketers spend analysing data manually is leaving them feeling overwhelmed. Just over half ( 51%) feel they spend too much time analysing data in their day-to-day role, which leaves them little time to spend on the more creative aspects of their work. 

Meanwhile, 57% of UK and US marketers are still not using data to form a complete view of their customers, and 58% of consumers don't think they are being targeted effectively.

'Marketers are at a deadlock with their customer data and in order to progress, their role is changing from communicator to data scientist', the report saysSettings.

The full report, based on a survey of just over 600 B2C marketers and over 2,000 consumers, across the US and UK, can be downloaded here