NEWS15 October 2015

Millennials most trusting of advertising

Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East and Africa News North America UK

GLOBAL — Millennials ( 21-34 year olds) have the highest levels of trust in almost all advertising formats/ channels, according to a study from Nielsen.

Of the 19 advertising formats/ channels, this group show the highest levels of trust in 18, including TV, newspapers and magazines (followed closely by Generation X – aged 35-49 ), and are the most willing to take action on 16.

This is based on a poll of 30,000 consumers in 60 countries. Looking regionally, Latin America shows the highest level of trust in advertising for 10 of the 19 formats, while Africa/ Middle East has the highest level for seven. European respondents were most sceptical, with the lowest reported levels of trust for all 19 formats. They were also least likely to take action on 18 of the 19 formats.

“Millennials consume media differently than their older counterparts, exercising greater control over when and where they watch, listen and read content — and on which device,” said Randall Beard, president, Nielsen Expanded Verticals.

“But even if they rely less heavily on traditional channels, their trust and willingness to act on these formats remains high. While an integrated, multi-channel approach is best across all generations, it carries even more importance when reaching Millennials.”

More information can be found here.