OPINION11 January 2021

Stop, collaborate and listen

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Covid-19 Data analytics Impact Opinion UK

James Oates, UK analytics director at Nielsen, writes about the necessity of collaboration.

Collaboration working together ideas jigsaw_crop

Stop, collaborate and listen. Vanilla Ice song lyrics are – admittedly – a strange source for inspiring leadership qualities, but the notion of collaboration and listening to ideas is so important to what we do in analytics. For our industry, I believe collaborating and listening are the essential elements in how we work, ensuring we get the best out of what we do. Collaboration allows us to unlock the opportunity to connect our data assets and, most importantly, provide combined thinking that will lead to great analytic results.

After my last article, I had a few readers contact me to discuss how finding ways to work together has never been more important given the economic circumstances in which we find ourselves. That feedback, and the current economic backdrop, got me thinking about what we need to have in place to drive the best of our analytic community through collaboration.

Everyone sees collaboration differently, but, for me, it is about some basic principles: bringing together diverse thinking and a willingness to be open, and ...