OPINION14 September 2020

Time to show the best side of analytics

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Covid-19 Impact Opinion

James Oates, UK analytics director at Nielsen, looks at the role analytics can play in recovery. 

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Another family ‘Zoom quiz’ comes to an end and the evening turns into a debate about the latest debrief from the government. My household is watching the daily presentations fuelled by data, delivered in PowerPoint slides and with recommendations created from analytics to find the best way forward. This might be as close as they get to seeing what my teams and I do on a daily basis.

What jumps out at me is that analytics is at the centre of the government’s strategy for processing and managing the country’s approach to Covid-19 and, most importantly, it’s a reminder that data-led analytics will need to be a driving force in what comes next.

We are all in different industries, and we come from a potentially difficult starting point because consumer behaviour has never been so disrupted in peacetime. Whether it be holidays, how we shop, buying cars, watching sport, consuming media or how we get to work, all of our regular ...