NEWS20 November 2018

Young, urban shoppers to drive Black Friday sales

Media News Retail Trends UK

UK – Ahead of Black Friday on 23 November, research from Kantar Media has found that those shopping on the day are most likely to be young urban-dwellers.

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Black Friday shoppers are 55% more likely than the average British consumer to be aged 15-24, and 42% less likely to be between the ages of 55 and 64, according to data from Kantar Media’s digital advertising intelligence offer and TGI consumer data.

Consumers making purchases on Black Friday are also 61% more likely to live in London than the average Brit, and 35% more likely to earn at least £75,000.

The data suggests Black Friday shoppers are more susceptible to the influence of media and advertising – they’re 63% more likely to agree that advertising helps them choose what to buy and 84% more likely to say they can’t resist buying magazines.

Fashion is also a key focus for Black Friday shoppers, who are 54% more likely to claim they keep up with the latest fashion.

Andy Brown, chief executive of Kantar Media, said: “Black Friday is undoubtedly one of the busiest times of the year for the retail sector, meaning it’s even more important for brands to target their spend with a laser-focus – and ensure they’re tailoring content to cut through the noise. While it makes sense to weight advertising spend around seasonal events, it’s important to make smart use of these budgets too.”

Data is taken from from Kantar Media’s TGI study Q3 2018, based on a representative sample of over 24,000 adults aged 15+ in Great Britain.