NEWS16 September 2014

Optimity Advisors expands into Europe with acquisition

Europe M&A News

UK — US-based management consultancy Optimity Advisors has bought advisory and data management firm Matrix Knowledge to create a permanent European office.

Matrix Knowledge has been rebranded as Optimity Matrix across Europe and will run the public policy arm of Optimity Advisors’ global operations.

Matrix Knowledge specialises in the health and social care, justice, education and life science sectors working for clients such as the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Jacqueline Mallender, partner at Matrix Knowledge, said of the acquisition: “Both firms have enjoyed a positive and long-standing working relationship over the past few years. Joining Optimity adds a depth and breadth to both companies’ existing services and will expand the sectors we work in.”