NEWS10 March 2017

FocusVision upgrades video content management system

News North America Technology

US – Research technology provider FocusVision has launched an upgraded version of its video content management system.

Fv video insights crop

FV Video Insights is designed to make it easier to organise video content, and to work together with FocusVision’s new focus group video technology, which features 360° cameras.

Moderators can access management tools and a quick reporting template to create custom playlists of audio, video, documents, images and captions.

FocusVision CEO Jamin Brazil said: "FV Video Insights unleashes the power behind our new video technology FV360. Our simple and effective tools allow you to bring the customer’s voice to life by transferring every valuable facial expression and prized quote over to the stakeholder to share as a visual story."

Ben Skelton of Quadrangle a user of FV Video Insights said: "We used FocusVision to help create eight 7.5-minute films from 50 hours of content. We were able to zero in on what we wanted the films to say and cut the content to clips for post editing in one simple process. We saved over a week in exec and project time – not to mention frustration – using the platform rather than selecting quotes and, separately, hunting down the segments of film to clip and extract."