NEWS13 July 2016

Research Now launches eye care panel

Healthcare News North America

US – Research Now has established a new eye care panel so healthcare researchers can monitor practices, treatments and sentiments.

The panel will off access to a global audience of more than 450,000 patients suffering from the most common eye diseases and conditions such as dry eye syndrome, glaucoma, cataracts and other visual impairments.

It also includes eye care professionals such as general practitioners, ophthalmologists and opticians and will be available in the US, Canada, UK, Spain, Italy, France and Germany.

Vin DeRobertis, senior vice-president, global healthcare for Research Now, said: “As the nature and treatment of health conditions is so complex, we wanted to address the need to get insights from a variety of healthcare professionals that go beyond a standard eye doctor. The eye is one of the most complex organs, and therefore necessitates depth in research.”