NEWS9 October 2015

20/20 launches video analysis tool

North America Technology

US — Research technology company 20/20 Research has unveiled a new video analysis tool, 20/20 QualMeeting Video Portal.

The service gives researchers a centralised storage hub and real-time video transcription tool. It comes as part of the company’s QualMeeting Plus offer and is accessible from laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Users can add human-powered transcription to the service, in addition to the machine transcription offered as standard. Once in the portal, researchers can review all time-coded videos via key words or phrases and can store videos in the portal for later analysis.

“In essence, we’ve developed a YouTube-like system that doesn’t just find a specific video, but a specific moment in a specific video, even if a project involves hundreds of videos,” said Jim Bryson, CEO of 20/20 Research. “Now, researchers will be able to easily compile and present to their clients truly impactful report videos in almost no time at all.”