NEWS24 October 2014

Only 3% of over 50s think advertising targets them

News UK

UK — A study conducted by Research Now for the over-50 online community High50 has found that just 3% of the older demographic believe advertising is aimed at them.

The research entitled ‘The 50+ Project’ asked 50- to 65-year-olds their thoughts on a range of topics including advertising, wealth, sex and lifestyle.

Among its findings were that 78% of over 50s watch three or more hours of TV a day.

And they are as adaptable to the online and digital world as younger cohorts: 78% believe that shopping online is secure with more than half shopping online once a month or more.

They are also highly active on social networks. Nearly half ( 42%) said they use social media frequently, with 28% claiming to use it daily. Facebook was the most popular, with 83% of those on social media claiming it as their most favoured social media network.

Stefano Hatfield, editor-in-chief of High50, said: “In a business climate where marketers continue to be obsessed with targeting millennials, the age group with the real spending power continues to be inexplicably ignored.”

Research Now, asked 1000 50-65 year olds their thoughts on a range of topics including politics, lifestyle, wealth, sex, marriage and dating in October 2014.