NEWS7 August 2014

Schlesinger to offer EEG neuromarketing

News North America

US — Schlesinger Associates has partnered with Interactive Video Productions (IVP) to launch an EEG neuromarketing data collection service for in-depth interviews.

IVP’s MobiLAB™ EEG measures non-verbal emotional responses to a variety of media revealed through brain activity — EEG, or electroencephalography, records electrical activity along the scalp and measures voltage fluctuations within the neurons of the brain.

While viewing stimulus during a qualitative session, the respondent wears an EEG headset so that emotion traces can be captured via brain imaging technology and reported back, in real time, to the moderator. Post-session, researchers can log in to an online dashboard to review and compare results of their entire EEG neuromarketing study.

This technology will fit in Schlesinger’s portfolio of emotional measures for qualitative research such as facial coding and biometrics labs.