NEWS6 August 2013

Companies under-use data says survey

Features North America

US — Nearly half of marketers say data is under-utilised in their organisation according to a survey from Teradata.

In its Data-Driven Marketing Survey 2013, Teradata said that despite companies claiming they were leveraging their data to drive marketing on a more systemic basis, nearly 50% of marketers said firms were failing to utilise data with only 10% saying they currently used data in a systemic way.

The survey also found that only 18% of marketers said they had a single integrated view of customer actions despite it being a top priority for future improvement.

Teradata also said that 75% of marketers encountered problems trying to calculate their return on marketing investment while 42% agreed that integrating the cross-channel experience was a top priority.

Teradata Applications’ president Darryl McDonald said: “Marketers are most effective in generating revenue when they are able to put all their data to work to deliver the most relevant offers to consumers.”