NEWS26 April 2013

GfK looks to boost US consumer panel

Data analytics Features North America

US — GfK is to increase the size of KnowledgePanel by a third in 2013 reaching hard-to-survey population groups.  

GfK is carrying out this expansion of KnowledgePanel households by randomly selecting residential addresses through a process called ‘address-based sampling’ to provide statistically valid representation of the US population.

GfK claimed the larger KnowledgePanel would provide greater access to populations of growing interest to marketers and the government that are often difficult to reach using traditional survey methods, such as: Millennials; Hispanics; African Americans; high- and low- income households; and specific disease sufferers.

“Top-quality, representative sampling of the US population is essential to the confidence that marketers, policy makers, and academicians need when making business and policy decisions,” said David Krajicek, CEO of GfK Consumer Experiences North America.