NEWS10 August 2011

NPD Group teams up with Eedar for videogame research

North America

US— The NPD Group is collaborating with videogame researcher Eedar to provide market tracking services for the gaming industry.

The two companies said they hoped the “strategic collaboration” will result in greater transparency in the games market.

NPD’s point-of-sale data for videogames in the US and Canada will be incorporated into Eedar’s GamePulse business intelligence service, and its data will also be used to improve the accuracy of Eedar’s DesignMetrics sales forecasting products.

David McQuillan, president of games at the NPD Group, said: “The growth of the digital channel within the games industry presents numerous challenges and oportunities that we believe are best addressed for our clients through a formalised, collaborative effort between the NPD Group and Eedar.”