NEWS11 November 2009

Turkish Competition Board decides against AGB Nielsen probe

Legal Middle East and Africa

TURKEY— The Turkish Competition Board (RK) will not be investigating AGB Nielsen over allegations that the firm exploited its position as the country’s dominant TV ratings provider.

A preliminary investigation launched in September by RK found no evidence or documents to support allegations that “AGB Nielsen was exploiting its dominant position in ratings measurement by irregularities and false measurements”.

RK has also kicked out claims that long-term agreements between AGB Nielsen and Turkey’s Television Audience Research Committee (TIAK) were detrimental to competition, saying again that there was no evidence to support the allegations.

In fact last month AGB Nielsen lost the TIAK contract to TNS, which becomes the committee’s official TV audience measurement supplier from 2011.

Craig Johnson, managing director of AGB Nielsen Turkey, said he was happy with the outcome “which clears AGB Nielsen of any wrongdoing”.