NEWS11 September 2009

Google creates online stats repository

Technology UK

UK— Google has created an online repository of facts about consumer trends, media consumption, the media landscape, macro economic trends and technology.

The service, Google Internet Stats, collects data from third parties including ComScore, Datamonitor, GfK, TNS, Mindshare and the Financial Times and covers topics such as mow many minutes of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and what percentage of their leisure time people spend online.

Google said: “We always hear interesting stats on the internet marketplace and we thought it would be great to share these in one easily accessible location… This site aims to provide searchable and browsable stats on the internet and the advertising industry from reputable and carefully selected sources.”

Examples of some of the stats on the site include: “Worldwide, over six billion songs have been sold on iTunes”, “51% of internet users purchased a new financial services product in the past year” and “Users are 1.5 times more attentive when browsing YouTube than when watching TV”.

Users can submit their own stats, Google said, but they will be checked by the firm’s research teams.