NEWS10 July 2009

IRI pours out Liquid Modelling solution in UK

Technology UK

UK— Information Resources Inc (IRI) has launched Liquid Modelling, an analytics tool for manufacturers and retailers, in the UK.

The company claims that the product can allow data to flow from EPOS devices in-store to IRI’s databases and analytics systems in seconds.

Hans Jessen, executive director at IRI, said: “The industry is desperately looking for ways to accurately monitor behaviours in order to achieve the most profitable outcomes. One of the unique attributes to Liquid Modelling is found in the ‘what-if’ scenario planning, which allows manufacturers and retailers to run simulations in order to choose one that is most effective, efficient and profitable.

“This replaces what were once emotional decisions with ones of hard core scientific insight. Through leveraging Liquid Modelling we have discovered, for example, that some brands have been on promotion for so long that clients have lost sight of the base price. Because of its performance, Liquid Modelling can begin paying for itself almost from day one.”