NEWS14 June 2017

Verto Analytics releases audience profile product

Media News North America

US – Measurement company Verto Analytics has launched Audience Profiles, a media measurement tool combining behavioural, demographic, device and competitive insights.

people using multiple devices - laptop, tablets, phone, while sitting around table

Audience Profiles includes comparative metrics for a publisher’s closest competitors to help advertisers see the nuanced differences between each audience, and understand why a given publisher and its audience could be suitable for them.

Its single-source measurement methodology, based on behavioural data gathered from a panel of opt-in consumers that own and use multiple devices, measures from the point of consumer interaction across all platforms, media, content and devices.

With the average consumer using as many as five devices, cross-device multitasking has become widespread. In 2016, Verto Analytics data showed that between July and December 2016, the total monthly time consumers spent using mobile apps on smartphones grew by 13%.

Audience Profiles is available in beta in the UK and US.