NEWS14 July 2023

Strat7 revenues up 48%

Financials News UK

UK – Global strategic insight and consumer analytics group Strat7 has seen its revenues for its 2022/23 fiscal year rise 48% to $76m.

Investment money

The latest financial results, which cover the year to 30th June, cover a year in which the company expanded its US presence, opening offices in New York and Los Angeles, with the acquisitions of Rainmakers and Jigsaw meaning US-headquartered clients now account for almost 50% of Strat7’s global revenue.

The year also saw the launch of consulting practice Strat7 Advisory and investments in unstructured data division, which was launched in 2021.

Barrie Brien, chief executive at Strat7, said: “Since STRAT7 launched in 2019, the pace of change has accelerated beyond what anyone could reasonably have predicted.

“We are expanding our capabilities to meet clients’ needs and have made significant investments in our people, technology and operating platforms over the past 12 months.

“We are well-positioned to maintain this momentum, with a particular focus on building our physical presence in the US as the next stage in our growth plans.”