NEWS1 February 2016

Shoppercentric launches grocery retail index

News Retail Trends UK

UK — Shoppercentric has released its first Shopper Stock Take report. 

Shop trolley crop

The report, set to become an annual occurrence, reviews UK shoppers thoughts and feelings about the grocery retail sector. 

2016 findings include that 86% of shoppers are more careful about avoiding waste; 51% prefer to split their shopping across several stores; economy of time drives one in four shoppers’ repertoires; and that misleading promotions are seen as among the most annoying retailer practices. 

“Whilst it’s clear that the discounters and digital opportunities are driving some of the changes in the UK retail landscape, our new index broadens perspectives and shows how shoppers themselves are impacting the market,” said Danielle Pinnington, managing director at Shoppercentric.

“We are witnessing a post-recessionary trend in which many shoppers quell their impulsivity and take an even more considered approach to their spending. Their expectations of grocery retailers include great quality and service, not just low pricing – by truly understanding shoppers shifting dynamics a smart retailer or brand can start different conversations that potentially standout from the competitive crowd, and resonate with a more thoughtful shopper mindset. It’s time to listen.”