NEWS28 February 2019

OzTAM adds demographics to BVOD measurement

Asia Pacific Media News

AUSTRALIA – TV audience measurement company OzTAM has added demographic profiles to its measurement of broadcasters’ video on demand (BVOD) services.

Smart TV streaming video VOD_crop

The inclusion of demographic profiles to audience data in the company’s video player measurement service will mean standard age and gender reporting is now available for BVOD content.

Profiles will be featured within the VOD and live-streaming reports posted on OzTAM’s website and in participating broadcasters’ dashboards.

The move is part of a wider roll-out of OzTAM’s new total TV currency, Virtual Australia (VOZ), which will combine measurement of viewing on TV sets and connected devices.

Doug Peiffer, chief executive at OzTAM, said: “Demographic profiles of BVOD viewing are a welcome addition to OzTAM’s VPM Report. This brings us a step closer to understanding the total TV viewing picture.”