NEWS31 January 2022

Norstat acquires Userneeds

Data analytics Europe M&A News

DENMARK – Market research data collection firm Norstat has agreed to acquire Scandinavian data collection business Userneeds.

Big fish eating little fish

The acquisition, which was completed on 21st January, will increase Norstat’s position in Scandinavia and follows the deals to buy the research firms TestingTime, DMA Research, Respondenten and CG Research during 2021.

There are approximately 130,000 panellists on Userneeds’ panels in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, with a further 15,000 on a panel in the Republic of Ireland, and the deal will allow Userneeds to use Norstat’s technology and quality assurance processes to extend its consumer panels.

Userneeds has offices in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Bergen and Helsinki, and will be integrated locally into Norstat’s country organisations.

Johnny Jensen, chief executive at Userneeds, will take the role as managing director at Norstat Denmark.

Tue Meier-Poulsen, managing director of Norstat Denmark, will support in the post-merger integration work before assuming the role of regional director for Norstat’s northern European businesses.

Erling Eriksen, chief executive at Norstat, said: “The acquisition of Userneeds will strengthen our ability to scale and deliver in our local markets and their digital solutions portfolio will enhance our existing capabilities.

“I am delighted that Userneeds chief executive Johnny Jensen, who has done an excellent job in building Userneeds into one of the key data collection companies in the Nordics, will stay on as managing director in Norstat Denmark.”

Jensen said: “ am truly excited about Userneeds and Norstat joining forces and I look forward to getting to know Norstat and its employees during the coming months.

“Combining Userneeds’ digital capabilities and strong local presence with Norstat’s market leading position and high-quality offering will be hugely beneficial for our customers, and I look forward to our continued journey together.”