NEWS15 April 2024

New hires at Context

News People UK

UK – Marketing research and strategy company Context has made three new hires, including Rhiannon Price as partner.

Rhiannon Price

Price (pictured) was previously at Northstar with a focus on international strategic consumer qualitative research and creative delivery.

Silvia Gatti has been named as senior consultant, with a focus on mixed method research including in brand, business-to-business and user experience.

Before joining Context+, Gatti worked for Which? and Gasp.

Christopher Satterthwaite has joined as chair, having formerly been chief executive officer at Chime Communications.

Philip Cooper, managing partner at Context, said: “We’ve been busy in the transfer window bringing in some exceptional people to join our talented team.

“We have ambitious growth targets and I know Ri, Silvia and Chris can help us reach them bringing their own special expertise.”