NEWS11 November 2016

Neilsen has released its shopper behaviour analysis

FMCG News North America Retail

US – Nielsen has released its Shopper Essentials Suite, a web-based data visualisation and analysis tool to gain insight on shopper behaviour across retail channels and categories.


It will give clients a simple online platform to help them make real-time decisions about consumer shopping preferences.

The Shopper Essentials Suite brings its Store Choice Drivers and Category Shopping Fundamentals together on a single platform and expands insight to the ecommerce space with Digital Shopping Fundamentals, available for the first time.

Store Choice Drivers gives an analysis of why shoppers choose one store over another and how they engage with these stores in-store and; Category Shopping Fundamentals helps clients understand what may drive category purchase decisions and how to help influence these decisions pre-store and in-store; and Digital Shopping Fundamentals allows clients to understand shoppers’ ecommerce path to purchase by looking at the online shopper and e-tailer environment.

Hin-Lo Lau, vice-president consumer and shopper analytics US, Nielsen said: "We're providing clients with the confidence to take swift, decisive action to cultivate business both online and offline.

"For manufacturers this means you are equipped with the confidence to build stronger relationships with your retailer partners, and win over shoppers. If you're a retailer, it’s about growing your customer base through category activation in-store and digitally. "