NEWS25 February 2021

Maru launches brand analysis tool

Behavioural science New business News North America UK

CANADA/UK – Insights software and advisory firm Maru Group has launched a brand health tracking tool that aims to assess the difference between what participants say and do.

person shopping in supermarket with a basket

The service, ‘Brand Health Tracking', is based on Maru Group’s Hub software. It will combine tracking data with other research on brand performance and analyse findings through System 1 and System 2 methodologies.

Ged Parton, chief executive of Maru Group said: "We’ve put together this solution to satisfy the client need for tracking data delivered efficiently at speed."

Todd Trautz, chief innovation and solutions officer at Maru Group, added: "We can uncover the emotional and rational pathways that drive brand choice and enable better, more informed, more confident decision-making in real-time."