NEWS3 November 2015

Japanese mobile users older than average

Asia Pacific Mobile News Telecoms

JAPAN — Japan has a significantly higher proportion of mobile users over the age of 55 than other developed countries, according to a new report.


According to comScore, 39.2% of Japan’s mobile users are over 55, which is significantly higher compared with other countries with ageing populations: 29.6% in US (among the lowest of those highlighted), 31.2% in UK and 31.8% in Italy.

The 2015 Japan Digital Audience Report compares data between desktop users aged 15+ and mobile users aged 13+ between May 2014 and May 2015.

In addition to the reported age differences, comScore reported that online video and retail engagement was higher in Japan than the global average, though this figure is limited to desktop access. In the 12 months to May 2015, Japanese users watched an average of 238.5 videos, compared with a worldwide figure of 204.3.

The report also noted that video advertising is growing in Japan.



1 Comment

9 years ago

No surprise really, Japan had mobile phones with colour graphic screens and GPS routing software on their phones back in 2005 well ahead of the curve of western Europe, same goes for Korea, meaning that there has been much more time available to older consumers to pick up and get used to mobile tech. Pretty sure Europe etc will go the same way soon enough as people age and get used to the technological environment growing around them

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