NEWS10 August 2017

Harris Interactive launches communities solution

News UK

UK – Harris Interactive UK has launched PopUP Communities, intended to allow clients to run flexible qualitative and quantitative research quickly and cost-effectively.

Community crop

According to the announcement, PopUP Communities, powered by Toluna technology, allows for recruitment and participation of target audiences ‘within hours', as well as adaptation of projects as they progress.

PopUp projects can run for anything from a few days to several weeks and support a range of initiatives from product or concept development to usage and attitude studies and communications development. 

"Clients increasingly come to us with urgent requests for qual and quant studies that require instant access to their target audience, the flexibility to participate and evolve as the study progresses, and access to real-time outputs," said Pete Cooke, UK head of digital at Harris Interactive.

"The combination of this new purpose-built platform, seamless access to our extensive global panel and sophisticated analysis tools provides the perfect solution and keeps the budget manageable."