NEWS25 March 2014

Half of social media activity while watching TV relates to TV, says study

News North America

US — Roughly half of social media activity while users are watching TV relates to the TV programming, according to a new study by The Council for Research Excellence (CRE).

The study – Talking Social TV 2 – was a follow-up to the CRE’s 2013 Talking Social TV study and had a sample of 1,665 15-54 year olds submitting mobile app diary entries.

Other key findings included:

  • One in every six times a viewer watches primetime TV, they are also using social media
  • Social media activity about new shows peaks around show premieres
  • Social media appears twice as effective for attracting viewers to new shows as returning shows

“Social media definitely has become established as a ‘second-screen’ for a select group of viewers,” said Beth Rockwood, senior vice president, market resources, of Discovery Communications, who chairs the CRE’s Social Media Committee.  “Social marketing seems effective in generating conversation around new season premieres, particularly with certain genres of programming.”

A presentation of the study’s findings can be found here. The full report will be available via the CRE website later this spring.