NEWS14 May 2015

GfK to deliver integrated TV data in Sweden

Europe New business

SWEDEN — MMS (Mediamätnig i Skandinavien), which measures Swedish TV viewing on behalf of the country’s broadcasters and ad agencies, has signed up GfK to integrate its multi-source data streams into a single ‘total video currency’.


GfK is to provide MMS with methodological consultancy and data science expertise to produce the core metric functions needed to deliver total video currency. Once the existing data sets are successfully combined, MMS will take over continuous production and reporting.

This will result in Sweden’s first universal currency, covering traditional linear and time-shift TV audiences, as well as video content viewed on smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs.

“Our challenge was this: We already have successful data streams covering all the necessary audience measurement areas, but coming from a number of different sources and companies,” said Magnus Anshelm, CEO of MMS.

“Bringing these together into a single data set is the obvious improvement – but assigning a single supplier to start producing all the various measurement systems from new would not be cost effective. Instead, we have commissioned GfK to create processes that will accurately fuse our existing data streams as they come in, producing our ultimate aim of a total video currency.”