NEWS11 March 2010

Fund launches to aid professional development

The Swedish Market Research Day conference has launched The Lonbono Fund to aid the professional development of researchers “in poorer countries”.

Around €1000 has been earmarked to kickstart what the conference organiser hopes will be a fund “that will build to help young researchers who have yet not set foot outside their own country and have not received any professional training in market research outside the company they work for”.

The Lonbono Fund was established by the organiser to “stretch out a hand to our less fortunate brothers and sisters in poorer countries”. The money deposited in the fund was originally set aside as the speakers’ gift budget.

The Danish Market Research Day is expected to make a contribution to the fund after its conference on May 11.

The Swedish Market Research Day hopes that conference organisers including MRS and Esomar will follow suit and “forgo part of their profit for this good cause”.


1 Comment

14 years ago

Congratulations. Poor countries researchers need more help. We needfinancials dupports to attempt congress and training. Esomar , Gallup and other most support this initiative

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