NEWS2 September 2020

Eyeota receives IAB Tech Lab data transparency certification

Data analytics News North America Privacy

US – Audience technology platform Eyeota has received certification from the IAB Tech Lab for its data transparency standard compliance programme.

Audience data abstract image

The seal means Eyeota’s methodology for data collection, processing and modelling meets the IAB Tech Lab’s standards for data transparency.

The non-profit consortium introduced its Data Transparency Label initiative in 2019 with the aim of establishing industry standards to help marketers better understand what is inside audience data segments. Data companies are independently audited to earn the certification.

The other companies to have been certified by the IAB Tech Lab for data transparency compliance are Epsilon, Alliant and Dstillery.

Dennis Buchheim, president, IAB Tech Lab, said: “Transparency from data providers is becoming a prerequisite for responsible and effective application of audience data, especially given growing regulatory and consumer scrutiny of data usage.”