NEWS28 July 2009

Ex-Common Knowledge exec launches sales consultancy

North America People

US— Paul Kirch, the immediate past-president of the northwest chapter of the Marketing Research Association, has launched a new sales management consultancy aimed at the market research industry.

Kirch, who was previously vice president of business development at panel provider Common Knowledge Research Services, opened ActusMR to help research agencies identify business areas that need improving, uncover points of differentiation and develop a successful sales infrastructure.

He argues that MR firms are no longer able to survive on word-of-mouth marketing and referrals alone, and are finding it difficult to thrive in an “increasingly competitive marketplace”.

Kirch promises to help agencies develop tailored sales tactics that are “natural, honest, believable and complimentary to their company mission”.

Prior to his stint at Common Knowledge (now owned by Toluna), Kirch spent a decade in various operations roles at The Gallup Organisation, after which he moved into sales and business development positions with CfMC, Harris Interactive and MARC Research.


1 Comment

16 years ago

I served on the NorthWest MRA board with Paul and know he is an outstanding and ethical person. Best wishes for the success of his new venture, ActusMR!

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