NEWS19 July 2022

Delivering net zero ‘critical’ for UK professionals

News Sustainability UK

UK – Thirteen members of the Professional Bodies Action Charter have signed a joint letter calling for the new prime minister to maintain the UK’s commitment to delivering its net zero targets.

Woman holding plant pot shaped like the earth

The charter represents 13 million professional members globally across a wide range of sectors from science and engineering, law, health and construction to the built environment, finance and insurance.

In this cost of living and energy crisis, a managed transition to net zero is being viewed as the best way to shield UK citizens from future price shocks, create homes that are warm and cheap to heat, and unlock private investment at scale for the sustainable markets of tomorrow. Continued government commitment is essential for successful delivery.

The UK Net Zero Strategy is expected to create more than 440,000 well-paying jobs and unlock £90bn in private investment by 2030. 

“Delivering the net zero transition is key for the UK’s economic future,” said Heather McKay, UK sustainable finance policy adviser at independent climate change think tank E3G.

“Professionals across the country want more good jobs, warmer homes, and lower bills. This will not happen without a strong commitment to tackle climate change from the new prime minister.”

Sarah Mukherjee, chief executive of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, added: “We are in a climate emergency, with the frequency of extreme heat and droughts across Europe likely to continue to increase without intervention.

“We must have a prime minister in place who is committed to delivering on the UK’s Net Zero Strategy, while ensuring that we have a cleaner economy, underpinned by green skills and jobs, to enable the transition to a more sustainable future.”