NEWS24 June 2011

Darrell Wade of TGI Friday’s on attitudes to dining in times of austerity


What does a premium-branded restaurant do in a time of austerity?

At the Food and Drink Research conference, Darrell Wade, commercial director of TGI Friday’s, discusses how the restaurant chain has evaluated consumer perceptions of food, brands and value in the casual dining sector.


1 Comment

13 years ago

It's great to see Friday's going back to its roots to drive success. I conducted the original research that led Whitbread to sign up to bring TGI Friday's to GB in the first place rather than try and create a copy. What Darrell talks about here - the encouragement to staff to be individuals within an overarching culture is the very reason why Friday's was so successful and unique. Over the years the service standards of the 'me too' brands improved and the price premium that Friday's commanded began to look excessive. However a trip to Friday's can still be special because of the unique product delivered by his '3Ps' Rediscovering the core brand values will keep Friday's ahead of the competition as it does not have to fight on price alone. and encouragement is

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