NEWS12 January 2024

Comms firms form centre to help academics affect public policy

News Public Sector UK

UK – Communications agencies Tendo Consulting and The Other Place Public Affairs have created a Research Policy Impact Centre to help university academics better engage with policymakers in the UK government and parliament.

group of students wearing graduation gowns and caps

The centre will run training programmes to help academics translate research into policy impact, including teaching communication of research, the political landscape, stakeholder engagement and policy advocacy.

The Research Policy Impact Centre will also aim to help universities meet the demands of the Research Excellence Framework, which encourages academics to showcase the impact of their research outside of academia.

Carys Davis, founder at The Other Place Public Affairs, said: “UK universities are producing some of the most relevant, cutting-edge and top-quality research in the world. In recent years, I’ve found tailored training helps build the knowledge, skills and confidence academics need to transform their research into politically astute policy with real-world impact.

“Our programme will not only benefit researchers, it will support those in government and parliament who are serious about developing evidence-based policy, allowing them to more easily draw on the wealth of knowledge our universities have to offer.”

Daniel Laing, senior account director at Tendo Consulting, said: “We are proud to launch this initiative to support universities to navigate the complex world of policy influencing.

“By providing tailored, interactive workshops we ensure academics leave not just with theoretical knowledge but practical skills that can immediately be used to engage with government, parliament and the media.”