NEWS19 April 2017

Challenger polling company launches

New business News People UK UK General Election

UK – As Theresa May called a snap general election yesterday, and with all the polls currently pointing to a victory for her, a new opinion research company has opened its doors.

Downing Street

Founded by Dr. Zsolt Kiss and James ‘JT’ Turner, the challenger polling firm is combining traditional polling, data science and behaviour science.

It has developed a proprietary methodology combining psychological drivers of behaviour and attitude with predictive algorithms which it claims will more accurately understand and predict consumer opinion.

Both Turner and Zsolt have extensive experience within the research industry. Zsolt has a DPhil in Politics from the University of Oxford and began his career at Bain & Company then holding various political and data strategy roles. JT has worked at BT, Populus, ICM Unlimited, Edelman Intelligence and holds leadership roles at Black Swan Data and delineate.

Turner said: “The UK’s polling industry has taken some knocks over the past couple of years. We believe that there are some fundamental ways that we can improve opinion research and our experience in the worlds of data science and behaviour science, as well as more traditional techniques, will be an industry game-changer.

“It’s exciting to be able to launch our first poll at such a hugely significant time for the polling industry – and for our country.”

Zsolt will be chief methodologist working with a wide range of private and public sector clients and Turner will lead client services.