NEWS21 August 2013

AMA names its four-under-40 winners

North America People

US — The American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Marketing Insights Council have named Elea Feit, Dan Foreman, Claudia Perlich, and Natasha Stevens as the recipients of the 4th annual four-Under-40 Marketing Emerging Leaders Award.

The award honours individuals who have already made significant contributions to the field of marketing and its sub-fields, and have demonstrated leadership and continuing service before they are 40.

Feit (top) is the executive director of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, University of Pennsylvania while Foreman (middle) currently serves as an executive for Lumi Mobile.

Perlich (middle) serves as chief scientist at Media6Degrees and Stevens (bottom) is currently VP, Digital Market Intelligence at GfK Custom Research North America,

The nomination period for next year’s 4 Under 40 Marketing Research Emerging Leaders Award will open in January of 2014. Nomination information will be available at .