OPINION29 April 2022

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Impact Opinion Trends

An annual survey of leading global businesses has highlighted the process of more companies becoming data-centric, with a huge 62% increase in those appointing a chief data officer, or equivalent, over the past decade. Bethan Blakeley explores the need for better communication when it comes to using data analytics in the insights space.

These days, you see a lot of companies throw around buzzwords such as ‘data-driven’ and ‘customer-centric’. We know data-centric companies are more successful, so it’s no surprise that it’s something for which a lot of companies are aiming – and it seems they aren’t doing too badly, either. An annual survey of leading global companies highlights this progress, with a huge 62% increase in companies appointing a chief data officer, or equivalent, over the past decade. Having said this, the report emphasises that it is too early to celebrate.

One of the main reasons people feel businesses struggle with achieving this idyllic state of data-centricity isn’t technology – the tech is there, ready and waiting. It’s the people: 91% of those surveyed claimed the culture, and people, in their organisations were the greatest challenge in becoming data-driven. Research by Realise Unlimited pinpoints the areas in which UK companies struggle: a lack of training, a lack of business understanding, and data ...