NEWS16 May 2018

Second screening makes TV ads more effective

Media Mobile News UK

UK – Viewers are more likely to follow up on a TV ad when simultaneously using their smartphone or tablet according to a study from MediaCom and consumer panel platform ViewersLogic.

In Second-screening; opportunity or threat? 1877 people in the UK were surveyed on their second screening habits and it found that  watching TV while using a mobile or other connected device improved the viewer’s chances of following up on an advert by 75%.

Having a second screen to hand made it easier for people to access a website or app from the brand they had just seen.

The study also found that women were more receptive to responding to an advert while second screening, with 59% of all their active responses happening while they were second screening, compared with 51% of men.

The 40-54 age group was the most responsive with 57% of all active responses happening while second screening – the over 55s were the least responsive with 50%.

The research also found that the ‘zapping rate’ (the average number of channel changes a user does per hour) is 10% lower while viewers are engaged with their mobile phones than without them.

Pauline Robson, head of insight at MediaCom, said: “In the past few years, the way people watch TV has changed quite drastically; on average, people spend around 30% of their TV time simultaneously looking at their phone or tablet.

“Historically, brands have shuddered at the thought of attention wandering to the second screen. However, our research has shown that advertisers should actively look for shows where the audience is most likely to be second screening. Media plans should actively take into account the second screening effect to improve efficiency.”