NEWS22 June 2017

Lightspeed launches mobile engagement app

Mobile News North America

US – Digital data collection specialist Lightspeed has launched a new mobile engagement app, LifePoints, with the aim of helping clients better understand the connected consumer experience.

LifePoints, a mobile community, is fully integrated with Lightspeed’s survey design and offers a mobile research solution for in-the-moment campaign tracking, geo-specific and behavioural monitoring, quick polls, consumption diaries and video ethnographies

“Mobile plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives and we need to adapt our research methods to this reality,” said Edan Portaro, executive vice-president, strategic alliances and mobile strategy at Lightspeed.

“We can now go beyond the standard survey experience and tap into a broader reach of demographics and behavioural data than ever before.”

LifePoints is available in the US and will launch in additional markets across 2017 and 2018.