NEWS25 October 2016

GfK MRI partners with Cubeyou

News North America

US — GfK MRI and Cubeyou have joined forces to combine consumer profile data with social media interactions. 

GfK MRI collections thousands of consumer data points each year, on media use, product purchase, brand attitudes and political affiliations, through its American consumer survey.

Cubeyou provides customer insight via its study of the American consumer powered solely by social media data. The company’s database of  social media users is filtered for demographic completeness and weighted to the US population. 

“Advertising agencies have been searching for better information on the dynamics of social media use,” said Andrew Arthur, SVP of data integration at GfK MRI.

“By focusing on the interactions of brands and consumers on social platforms, the combination of GfK MRI and Cubeyou provides a perfect resource for planning and capturing ROI.

"Brands can understand clearly where they stand with consumers in the social world, and learn how to enrich those connections through special offers, events or even mass media advertising.”