NEWS26 February 2014

India’s BARC goes digital with Mediametrie and Civolution

Asia Pacific New business News

INDIA — The Broadcast Audience Research Council of India (BARC) has announced two new partnerships.

Civolution, a provider of technology and solutions for identifying, managing and monetising content, has been contracted by BARC to underpin its audience measurement platforms. Mediametrie has recently been selected to provide the TV meter system.

The two companies will work together to build the technology framework for the audience measurement solution for BARC. The system, due to start operating towards the end of the year, will be the first fully digital audience measurement system employed directly by the Indian broadcast industry.

“India has one of the largest TV audiences in the world so it was critical for us to create an audience measurement system that is gold standard,” said Partho Dasgupta, CEO of BARC. “By leveraging Civolution and Mediametrie’s expertise in audience tracking, technology and analytics we can now study viewers’ TV habits in precise detail, enabling broadcasters and advertisers to implement efficient strategies to reach their target audience.”