NEWS29 October 2013

Nielsen to release software for mobile TV measurement in November

Data analytics North America

US — Nielsen will release a software development kit in mid-November which paves the way for mobile viewing to be incorporated into its traditional measurement for the 2014-15 TV season.

In a blog post, the company explained that through a “unified coding approach” it is able to follow content across screens and ad models.

“For example, if a broadcaster makes a TV show available for viewing on a digital device and it meets the ad load and timeline requirements for TV ratings, then that viewing will credit to the Nielsen TV ratings,” the company said. “If that content is not eligible for TV ratings – due to elapsed crediting time, dynamic ad insertion or because it originated from the web itself – then the viewing of it will be included in Nielsen Digital Ratings, specifically Nielsen Digital Program Ratings for content ratings and Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings for the ad rating.”

Global product leader Megan Clarken said: “We’ve been working hard to deliver this new SDK and are excited to be able to deliver a single client solution that supports both the linear (TV style) and dynamic (internet style) ad models.”