NEWS8 July 2013

Nielsen to add online ratings to Emma data

Asia Pacific Data analytics

AUSTRALIA — Print media body The Readership Works has struck a deal with Nielsen to fuse the latter’s online ratings data with its new readership survey, Enhanced Media Metrics Australia (Emma).

Emma will start publishing data in the first quarter of the new financial year and will look at readership across all newspaper and magazine formats, capturing data across print, website, mobile and tablet devices; surveying over 50,000 a year.

Simon Wake, managing director of Ipsos MediaCT – the contractor for Emma – said: “The Emma and Nielsen data fusion represents global best practice at work. We are employing widely accepted techniques from other markets where Ipsos conducts national audience surveys, such as in the United Kingdom for the National Readership Survey.”

In the UK, the National Readership Survey’s Print and Digital Data (PADD) study combines Ipsos’s readership data with online audience data from UKOM.

Mal Dale, general manager of The Readership Works, said: “This is a real milestone for the Australian media and marketing communities, further strengthening our market offering by enabling agencies and advertisers to make better informed investment decisions. The fused data will deliver greater accuracy for Emma subscribers by showing how audiences engage with newspapers and magazines across content delivery platforms.”

Emma has been funded by the newspaper industry as a direct competitor to an existing survey carried out by audience measurement firm Roy Morgan.