NEWS18 April 2013

Face rolls out new social data analysis platform

Data analytics UK

UK — Insight agency Face has launched Pulsar TRAC, a social data analysis platform that has been designed to measure the reach of social media conversations as well as mapping audiences and tracking content diffusion.

TRAC is an acronym of Topic, Reach, Audience and Content. As well as standard volume measures, it estimates the reach of social media updates, allows brand to see who they are talking to and what those people are talking about, and how they and others are sharing related content.

Demographic and behavioural data, as well as the social and interest graphs of social media users are indexed alongside the content they are sharing in what chief innovation officer Francesco D’Orazio describes as an attempt to put social media conversations in context.

“Whereas all traditional social media monitoring platforms on the market only look at the content of conversations, we found a massive opportunity in indexing and analysing everything around it,” he says.

Click here to read our exclusive interview with D’Orazio.