NEWS1 December 2010

"Research can get by without asking questions"

Welcome to the first of our new online debates. It’s your chance to have a say on the research industry’s most controversial topics. Each month we propose a motion, ask two research professionals to kick start the debate and then it’s your turn to make your case.

“Research can get by without asking questions”
Market research is rooted in the idea of asking people what they think or feel or do. But in recent years declining survey response rates, new understanding of how our minds work and the explosion of social media have made the shortcomings of traditional research more prominent and more problematic. Some are even predicting that we are witnessing the slow death of survey research. So as ‘asking’ loses ground to ‘listening’, which approach will win out in the long run? As it becomes easier to track organic word of mouth and real-life behaviour, is there any point in asking people what they think they think?

How to participate

1. Consider the arguments. Just click on the photos below to read

2. Cast your vote. You’ll find the voting panel on the right of this page.

3. Have your say. Return to this page to add your comments below.

For the
the motion

Annelies Verhaeghe
Senior consultant
InSites Consulting

Jeffrey Henning